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November 25, 2009


Vintage Fairy Tales Rebecka

This is my style Sam!
More dots to the people/ Becky


That's funny Becky, because I saw these red dots and thought of you!

Tina Rubie

I love this fabric - my Miss Livvy said it reminds her of Charlie & Lola's - 'I Will Never NOT Ever Eat A Tomato' episode :) I always love red and white together.

Electronic Cigarette

Wonderful piece. I would like a couch done in this fabric.

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  • Hi! My name is Sam and I am an Australian blogging from Sweden, where I live with my Australian husband and our two daughters, five year old Charlie and wee little Nora.

    This blog is a place to keep a record of all the amazing and inspiring finds I discover on the internet, via friends, during our travels, or that I am lucky enough to stumble across in person during my daily life here in Malmö, Sweden.


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